澳大利亚旗舰影响力投资基金澳大利亚开发投资公司(ADI)今日宣布与印度尼西亚风险投资公司AC Ventures建立战略合作伙伴关系。
雅加达,周一(2025年2月10日)——澳大利亚旗舰影响力投资基金澳大利亚开发投资公司(ADI)今日宣布与印度尼西亚风险投资公司AC Ventures建立战略合作伙伴关系,该合作是通过KINETIK倡议实现的。
此次合作旨在为印度尼西亚的高影响力、可扩展企业提供融资,推动向低碳经济的转型。AC Ventures的气候战略将重点关注可再生能源、电动出行、能源效率、废物管理与循环经济以及气候智能农业等领域,目标是显著减少二氧化碳排放。
AC Ventures是一家在支持可持续企业方面拥有卓越业绩的领先风险投资公司,凭借其专业知识和网络,能够充分发挥这一战略的影响力。除了资金支持外,澳大利亚开发投资公司还将为AC Ventures及其投资组合公司提供战略支持,嵌入性别视角的投资方法,帮助企业扩大运营规模,并确保可衡量的环境和社会影响。
澳大利亚驻印尼经济、投资和基础设施参赞乔纳森·吉尔伯特(Jonathan Gilbert)表示:“澳大利亚政府的承诺将使AC Ventures能够识别并支持处于能源转型前沿的企业。澳大利亚开发投资公司致力于建立能够带来财务回报的同时,产生切实的气候、性别和发展效益的合作伙伴关系。”
AC Ventures管理合伙人黄慧君(Helen Wong)表示:“这一合作伙伴关系证明了人们对以气候为重点的投资重要性的日益认可。我们携手合作,能够推动有意义的变革,为实现更可持续的未来做出贡献。”
此次合作的宣布恰逢澳大利亚投资者代表团访问印尼,代表团成员包括麦格理集团(Macquarie Group)、澳新银行(ANZ Bank)和阿斯彭医疗(Aspen Medical)等长期投资者,以及来自医疗保健、物流、基础设施、能源、矿业和资源等关键领域的利益相关者。
代表团团长詹妮弗·韦斯塔科特(Jennifer Westacott)表示:“我们希望看到澳大利亚投资者能够认识到印尼带来的机遇,并加以利用。进入该市场的切入点有很多,包括像AC Ventures这样专注于影响力的风投基金。”
Australian Development Investments announces strategic partnership with AC Ventures through KINETIK initiative
JAKARTA, MONDAY (FEBRUARY/10/2025) - Australia’s flagship impact investment fund, Australian Development Investments (ADI), today announced a strategic partnership with Indonesian venture capital firm AC Ventures under the KINETIK initiative.
This collaboration aims to unlock finance for high-impact, scalable businesses in Indonesia that are driving the transition to a low-carbon economy. AC Ventures Climate Strategy will focus on sectors such as renewable energy, electric mobility, energy efficiency, waste management & circular economy, and climate-smart agriculture, with the goal of significantly reducing CO2 emissions.
AC Ventures, a leading venture capital firm with a strong track record of supporting sustainable businesses, is well-positioned to leverage its expertise and network to maximize the impact of this strategy.
Beyond capital, ADI will provide AC Ventures and its portfolio companies with strategic support, embedding a gender lens investment approach, assisting businesses in scaling their operations, and ensuring measurable environmental and social impacts.
“The Australian Government’s commitment will enable AC Ventures to identify and support businesses that are at the forefront of the energy transition,” said Jonathan Gilbert, Minister-Counsellor – Economic, Investment and Infrastructure. “ADI is dedicated to fostering partnerships that deliver financial returns while generating tangible climate, gender, and development benefits.”
This strategic partnership is expected to attract additional private sector participation, accelerating the deployment of capital toward innovative technological solutions that combat climate change.
“This partnership is a testament to the growing recognition of the importance of climate-focused investments. Together, we can drive meaningful change and contribute to a more sustainable future,” said Helen Wong, Managing Partner at AC Ventures.
The announcement coincides with an Australian investor delegation visit to Indonesia, featuring long-term investors such as Macquarie Group, ANZ Bank, and Aspen Medical, alongside key stakeholders from the healthcare, logistics, infrastructure, energy, mining, and resources sectors.
Over the past decade, Australian companies have invested more than US$4.3 billion in Indonesia, with annual investments now exceeding US$500 million. Increased investment in Indonesia’s SMEs through ADI will help the country achieve its economic growth targets while drawing Australian foundation and family office impact investors into the region.
“We want to see Australian investors recognizing and capitalizing on the opportunities Indonesia presents. There are many different entry points to the market, including impact-focused venture funds like AC Ventures,” said delegation leader Jennifer Westacott.
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